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Faith is By Choice Thoughts, reason, and choosing faith


The Gospel and Critical Thinking

I taught college courses for 15 years.  I wasn't what you would call a professor, we didn't really have those at our school. I was an adjunct faculty member, which is a fancy word for part-time teacher... although for a stretch there I taught full-time during which period I also completed a masters degree in education.   My subjects were usually technical in nature: website development, programming, web design, although I also taught some drawing & illustration courses along the way (I bounced around in college majors as both a student and a teacher).

Learning Truth by the Holy Ghost

Let me address directly the question of knowledge and doubt.  Many Latter-day Saints (including many who have grown up in the church) are now re-examining their faith and are questioning whether or not they really believe the claims of the church to be true.  In our information age we have a world of knowledge quite literally at our fingertips, and that has changed the landscape dramatically.

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